How Mindzq education tutors a third grader reading?


Every tutoring situation is different and we know that tutors have plenty of questions they want answers to before they take on something new. There are so many great resources out there, but it can be difficult to find the ones that you need. One of the biggest dilemmas faced by teachers is how to identify and implement differentiated instruction. A consistent challenge faced by classrooms is finding an effective way to differentiate their instruction to
meet each student at the right level.

Mindzq Education has been committed to improving education for students for over 10 years and strives to meet each child where they are academically and take them to the next level.

One way that Mindzq Education has differentiated its online tutoring program is by teaching students how to choose high-interest books for reading instruction.

When a student chooses a book based on their interest level, then lessons can become more engaging and students will be motivated to read more than once through a novel or series. The key to this strategy is to assist students in choosing books that they will enjoy based on information assessed by the teacher.



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